A Mommy...Finding Time For Me Changed My Life

July 01, 2011

I have many titles in my house.  Wife, Mom, Friend, Chauffer, Planner, Organizer, Cleaner, Launderer, Cook, Teacher, Workout Instructor and Student.  Makes me tired just thinking about all of that.  I spend most of my days with my girls.  It's what I opted to do 6 years ago when my first daughter was born.  It's funny to hear my husband tell me that I should have all the time in the world to get things done, because, after all, I'm home all day.  (Can anyone else relate to this?)

As parents, we put our children first, almost always.  Our personal time tends to be very early in the morning, maybe naptime, and generally when the kids go to bed.  How much can we really get done during "our time"?  I don't know about all of you, but when bedtime for the kiddos rolls around, I'm about ready to head there myself.

A few years ago I made a promise to myself that I would make more time for me.  I was feeling tired, lethargic, lacking energy, and was most definitely not in very good physical shape.  I never envisioned myself being a mom who lacked energy and vitality.  That's not the lifestyle I wanted to project onto my girls.  My promise was to spend about 45 minutes to an hour a day exercising and working on my own personal development through audio and books. My goals were to become happier & more productive, and also to increase my energy, reduce fat and gain lean muscle.  I wanted to show my girls that their Mommy could run and play with them - and also that it's important to schedule time for fitness in our busy lives.  After all, that's one thing that will greatly contribute to healthier lifestyles in their futures.

I knew it would be hard to try and get to a gym - there's travel time, monthly fees, and limited hours for me to get there when my girls were sleeping - or I'd have to put them in child care.  For me, it was not a very viable option so I looked into at home workout programs.  I knew that if I found those sections of time each day, that I wouldn't have to factor in any extra time...aside from walking down the stairs and pushing play.  So that's what I did.  That was in June of 2009.  That's also when my life changed.

Not only have I become healthier and more fit since I committed to setting aside that uninterrupted (well, mostly uninterrupted) time, but I've opened doors that I never knew were in front of me.  I am happier, more relaxed, less stressed out, more patient and more energetic.  I have since started an at-home business coaching others to determine and attain their fitness and nutritional goals.  My business is growing leaps and bounds this year.  I'm also teaching a group exercise class (please see Parkville Patch's calendar listing for TurboKick or email me for more information), working part time for a raw foods company, and beginning a nutritional/health coach certification program.  I would have never done any of these things had it not been for wanting to get myself healthier and more fit 2 years ago.  Now, I am helping others to change their lives and the sky seems to be the limit.  I've found my purpose, and I am following my heart.  That's pretty profound!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.  I hope that you will follow my blog, read my posts, consider how you can take some steps to become more Fit & Healthy, and share with me your tips and suggestions for success!

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