National Farmers Market Week ~ August 7-13, 2011

August 07, 2011

Today kicked off National Farmers Market Week across the country.  This week, let's recognize and thank our local farmers for the produce, livestock, dairy, poultry, herbs, plants & flowers they provide to us through their hard work and dedication to our communities.

It's important that we support our local farmers.  Not only are we buying fresher foods that have been picked just recently (sometimes the very day we visit the farmers market), but we're aiding in sustainability by promoting local farmland preservation.  Farmers markets offer us the convenience of one-stop shopping for our produce as well as a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and many other locally made products.  Oftentimes, the pricing for these goods is incredibly economical.  Buying at farmers markets can decrease a consumer's weekly produce budget and save money.  Who wouldn't want to save extra cash these days?

You can find farmers markets open on various days of the week.  Chances are, you can find one that operates at a time when you are available to peruse the stands, tents, trucks and tables. 

Here's a great listing of Maryland farmers markets, posted by county: Maryland Farmers Market Directory

If you are not local to Maryland, here's a national farmers market search: National Farmers Markets Listing

When you visit a farmers market this week, take some time to peruse the offerings and speak with the farmers about their produce or products.  Thank them for providing us with fresh foods.  Lastly, don't forget your reusable shopping bags!

What fruits & veggies are you looking for this week?  What recipes do you have planned?

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