November ~ A Month of Giving Thanks

November 03, 2011

While multitasking on Facebook on Tuesday, I saw that my friend Susan had posted this:

Every day from now until Thanksgiving I'm going to post something I'm thankful for - what an incredible way to be reminded of how powerful giving thanks can be. Want to join me?"

I thought that this would be a wonderful exercise for me.  You see, sometimes I am a "glass is half empty" type of person.  I do try to be enthusiastic and positive, but the negativity often creeps in.  I lose my patience more than I care to admit, I feel frustrated and overwhelmed sometimes.  The thing is, I don't look at the bigger picture.  I don't think of the people who are suffering, without family or homes...I don't think of people who cannot afford to feed themselves or their children.  In short - I often take my blessings for granted while I nitpick at the trivial things.

I am taking steps to become more appreciative & grateful for that which I have in my life.  I am taking on this daily posting exercise and I hope to learn something from it by the end of this month.  If I am able to see things from a "glass is half full" or even 3/4 full perspective, that will be a huge step in my own personal growth.

I hope you will consider joining me in sharing this on your Facebook or Twitter accounts.  So today is already November 3rd.  That's okay!!  Jump in now.  Post three things today to catch up if you'd like.  I'd love if you would copy your daily thankful posts and repost them under my updates each day.  You can find my daily thankful posts on my Fit & Healthy Mommy page.

I will be blogging about this again at the end of the month and will share each of my daily thankful posts, so that they are all in one blog post.  I think it will be very beneficial & enlightening for me to see them all in one place, in chronological order.

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