5 Day Mini-Detox: Day 2 Recap

March 20, 2012

So...how many of you are following these posts, thinking "Is she really going to be able to do this?"  If you are one of those folks, give yourself a high five.  Today was just a strange day and I was craving foods all day long (Hormonal??  Perhaps...)

I started my day with my juice, which was better than it was yesterday because, well, I added sweet stuff.  I had a second one around lunch time.  Inbetween, however, the nuts again.  Ah, they are becoming my nemesis, those mixed nuts.  I told Josh that any other nuts that enter my house must be smoked (because I won't eat those).  Should I tell you now that I have a freezer shelf full of nuts?  At least they're raw...

Back to my day - small handfuls of nuts here and there throughout the day.  I also had a small handful of grapes.  When dinner time rolled around, I didn't have time to eat - I had to get to TurboKick for 7PM and we were outside in this amazing weather with the kiddos until 5:30.  I had Josh grill up all that chicken for the week, so I had about a third of a chicken breast, but no salad.  I'm on protein overload today!

My juice today:
~ Kale
~ Spinach
~ Carrot tops/greens
~ soaked Goji berries (and the water from soaking)
~ 1T Hemp Cacao spread
~ 3 baby Kiwi (they're so stinkin' cute!!)
~ 2 tsp Maca powder
~ small handful of frozen blackberries (because they were kicking around in my freezer)

Goji berries, soaking - I added these along with the water

I bought this at Euphoria Loves Rawvolution in Santa Monica - SO GOOD!

Baby Kiwi - if you haven't seen these, they're like the size of large grapes. You don't peel them, just wash them and cut off the ends.

Prior to adding the water, Goji berries & Maca powder.  
Voila!  Today's juice  :o)
Juice #2 while I was working through lunch

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